Regardless of your business size, corporate Greeting cards are an essential foundation to maintain a friendly image towards employees and customers.
Employees Appreciate Recognition...
Sending out corporate Greeting cards is an important gesture to acknowledge employees for all the hard work they do for your business. Why wait until a special occasion to encourage Joe in accounting that you do, in fact, recognize the contributions he has made to your company?
Nothing is more encouraging than an unexpected corporate Greeting-card, with a handwritten personal message. This is a simple gesture that can go a long way.
Corporate Greeting cards are the most appropriate and powerful way to boost employee confidence and satisfaction. When this happens, you are also increasing productivity levels immensely. The impact of corporate-greeting-cards is powerful, because it has a personal touch.
The second most effective way to increase employee satisfaction and improve productivity levels is to send everybody a raise, which is impersonal and expensive. It goes without saying that corporate-greeting-cards are a smart and cost effective way to reach out to your employees and say thank you, resulting in an improved work environment.
Corporate Greeting Cards Can Also Be Used to Secure Customer Loyalty...
Direct mail marketing is a smart business tactic used to strengthen customer loyalty and promote special offers. Unfortunately, a majority of direct mail marketing campaigns fail if the publication is tossed into the junk mail bin.
Direct mail marketing can also be very expensive if you take into consideration the cost of copywriting, publication and materials, and the costs of mailing.
Corporate-greeting-cards are a direct mail marketing solution that won't be tossed into the junk mail bin. Individuals love to receive mail, as long it isn't a bill or-yup-junk mail. A greeting-card is likely to be the most interesting thing in the mailbox, and will instantly catch the attention of your valued customer.
Corporate-greeting-cards are designed to deliver a personal touch, and a warm thank you, that will be appreciated. After receiving a corporate-greeting-card, customers are more likely to consider you again when they are in need of your product or service.
Also, customers are more likely to recommend you to friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers, and anybody who will listen. The word-of-mouth referrals are just icing on the cake, because corporate-greeting-cards are an especially powerful method of securing customer loyalty.
Other Uses of Corporate Greeting Cards
Corporate greeting cards have many advantages that you can benefit from. It's how you use this service that matters.
Corporate greeting cards can be used as an above-and-beyond customer service strategy. In the unfortunate case that a customer has had a bad experience with your company, you should do everything possible to satisfy their complaint and then follow up with a personal apology, and perhaps a special offer as incentive for giving you a second chance. Of course, corporate-greeting-cards are the best way to do this...
In summary, corporate greeting cards provide a warm personal touch to any message (other than "you're fired") and you can use this service many ways... be creative!!!
The Benefits of Corporate Greeting Cards